3 soļi, lai tavi slaidi izceltos
3 soļi, lai tavi slaidi izceltos

3 soļi, lai tavi slaidi izceltos

Date & Time

30 October 2024, 09:30 - 11:00

Time zone: New York/America (-4 hours)


Online on tipcall.io

Hosted by

Chris Peterson | PrezoGuy

Chris Peterson | PrezoGuy

Forming a message:
Impactful. Meaningful. Emotional. Rational. Clear and understandable

Fast advice. Professional approach. Empathy and Efficiency.

I have 30 years of experience in storytelling. I\'m a certified presentation master, a member of Presentation Guild (ex Member of the Board of Directors), International Speaker (TEDx), A member of FuckUp Nights Worldwide organisation. 

Running a weekly business podcast "Median Report" about economy, business and finance. Worked with International media such as CNN, Bloomberg, BBC, NYTimes, Le Monde, International Herald Tribune, etc. 

Made presentations for the governments of U.S., Canada, UAE, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia and Latvia. Organisations such as European Commission, European Parliament, European Investment Bank, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and companies such as: Tesla Motors, Starbucks Corporation, American Airlines, SalesForce, Carlsberg Group, Roche, Volkswagen AG, McDonald\'s, KPMG, Santander Bank and hundreds more.

Over 4000 corporate, sales and investment pitch presentations created,
Over 2000 TV news stories and TV programs produced,
Over 1500 news and feature articles written and published in mass media,
Over 1000 lectures on Modern presentation techniques,
Over 250 moderated business events,
Over 200 media trainings for CEOs and politicians.

I\'m currently a CEO of Tipcall.io


About this event

Šī būs "zibens" meistarklase, kurā 1,5h laikā iegūsi vērtīgus padomus PPT slaidu noformēšanā. Es demonstrēšu esenci no 10 gadu laikā gūtās starptautiskās pieredzes slaidu veidošanā pasaulē un Eiropā vadošiem uzņēmumiem (Tesla Motors, Starbucks, American Airlines, McDonalds, KPMG, SalesForce, Calrsberg, Roche, u.c.) un organizācijām (Eiropas Komisija, Eiropas parlaments, Eiropas Rekonstrukcijas un attīstības banka, Eiropas Investīciju banka, u.c.)

Galvenais uzsvars - ātri un efektīgi!

"Neskatoties uz mākslīgā intelekta rīkiem, MS PowerPoint vēl kādu brīdi noteikti būs slaidu veidošanas rīks Nr. 1 pasaulē. BET... daudz kas ir mainījies pēdējo 10-15 gadu laikā un mums pieejami ir kļuvuši rīki, kas īsā mirklī slaidus spēj padarīt, ja ne baudāmus, tad vismaz saprotamus. Kas mūsdienās jau ir daudz."

Pirms piedalīšanās pārbaudi, vai tavam PowerPoint ir Microsoft Office 365 licence. Nav svarīgi, vai to darbina Windows vai MacOS.

Meistarklases garums - aptuveni 60 minūtes, saruna - vismaz 30 minūtes.
Sarunvaloda: latviešu
Laiks: 2024. gada 30. oktobris - 16:30 - 18:00 (1h30m)
Event language - Latviski.

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Don’t worry - you can connect to the call any time while it is ongoing. See question above on how to join the call.
18 EUR incl. VAT /per person
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Book an individual call with

Chris Peterson | PrezoGuy

Chris Peterson | PrezoGuy

Forming a message:
Impactful. Meaningful. Emotional. Rational. Clear and understandable

Fast advice. Professional approach. Empathy and Efficiency.

I have 30 years of experience in storytelling. I\'m a certified presentation master, a member of Presentation Guild (ex Member of the Board of Directors), International Speaker (TEDx), A member of FuckUp Nights Worldwide organisation. 

Running a weekly business podcast "Median Report" about economy, business and finance. Worked with International media such as CNN, Bloomberg, BBC, NYTimes, Le Monde, International Herald Tribune, etc. 

Made presentations for the governments of U.S., Canada, UAE, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia and Latvia. Organisations such as European Commission, European Parliament, European Investment Bank, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and companies such as: Tesla Motors, Starbucks Corporation, American Airlines, SalesForce, Carlsberg Group, Roche, Volkswagen AG, McDonald\'s, KPMG, Santander Bank and hundreds more.

Over 4000 corporate, sales and investment pitch presentations created,
Over 2000 TV news stories and TV programs produced,
Over 1500 news and feature articles written and published in mass media,
Over 1000 lectures on Modern presentation techniques,
Over 250 moderated business events,
Over 200 media trainings for CEOs and politicians.

I\'m currently a CEO of Tipcall.io

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Presentation Review

150 EUR incl. VAT

30 min

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200 EUR incl. VAT

30 min

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Ultimate Presentation Warrior (UPW Original)

1900 EUR incl. VAT

90 min

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